Cryptocurrency has experienced a meteoric rise in popularity over the last decade, with digital currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum becoming household names. As more people join the crypto bandwagon, it's crucial to understand the risks, rewards, and best practices for safely owning and managing cryptocurrencies. In this survivor's guide, we'll cover the essential steps to navigate the world of crypto with confidence and success.

  1. Do Your Homework: Understanding Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain

Before diving into the world of cryptocurrencies, it's essential to familiarize yourself with the underlying technology - blockchain. Understanding the basics of blockchain technology, how cryptocurrencies work, and the differences between various digital currencies can help you make informed decisions and minimize risks.

2. Choose the Right Crypto Exchange

Selecting a reputable and secure cryptocurrency exchange is crucial for buying, selling, and trading digital currencies. Research different exchanges, compare fees, security features, and customer reviews before making your decision. Ensure that your chosen exchange complies with Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations to protect your assets.

3. Secure Your Crypto Assets with a Reliable Wallet

Safeguarding your cryptocurrencies is vital, as digital currencies are vulnerable to hacks and theft. Choose a secure wallet type (hardware, software, or paper) that suits your needs and security preferences. Always opt for wallets with strong encryption, two-factor authentication (2FA), and regular updates.

4. Diversify Your Crypto Portfolio

Avoid putting all your eggs in one basket by diversifying your cryptocurrency investments. Spread your investments across various digital currencies, sectors, and platforms to minimize risks and maximize potential returns. Keep an eye on market trends, emerging technologies, and new investment opportunities to stay ahead of the curve.

5. Understand the Tax Implications

Owning cryptocurrencies has tax implications, depending on your country of residence. Be aware of your local tax laws and regulations and maintain accurate records of your transactions. Consulting a tax professional can help you stay compliant and avoid potential penalties.

6. Stay Informed and Up-to-Date

The world of cryptocurrencies is ever-evolving, with new developments, trends, and regulations emerging regularly. Stay informed by following trusted news sources, subscribing to newsletters, and participating in online forums and communities. This will help you make better decisions and adapt to the rapidly changing landscape.

7. Practice Safe Trading and Risk Management

Engaging in cryptocurrency trading can be a high-risk endeavor. To protect your investments, establish a trading strategy with clear objectives, risk tolerance levels, and exit strategies. Use tools like stop-loss orders and limit orders to manage risks and avoid emotional trading decisions.

8. Legacy Planning with Jinca: Safeguard Your Crypto Assets for the Future

While it's essential to manage your cryptocurrencies securely in the present, it's equally important to have a plan in place for the future. Legacy planning ensures that your crypto assets are passed on to your loved ones or designated beneficiaries in the event of your passing or incapacitation.

One effective solution for legacy planning in the world of cryptocurrency is using a service like Jinca. Jinca monitors your activity and sends you periodic check-in messages. If you fail to respond after a predetermined number of attempts, the service assumes that you are no longer able to manage your crypto assets and triggers. Once activated, Jinca securely transfers your crypto assets to your designated beneficiaries.

To set up Jinca, follow these steps:

a. Sign up for a Jinca account and choose the crypto dead man's switch service.

b. Configure your check-in frequency and the number of failed check-ins required to activate the switch.

c. Add your crypto wallet information and designate your beneficiaries.

d. Share your contingency plan with your beneficiaries, so they are aware of the process and can access the assets when needed.

By incorporating legacy planning into your crypto management strategy, you can have peace of mind knowing that your digital assets will be taken care of and passed on according to your wishes.


Owning cryptocurrencies can be a rewarding experience when approached with caution and a solid understanding of the market. By following the steps outlined in this survivor's guide, including legacy planning with Jinca, you can navigate the cryptocurrency world safely and successfully. Remember to always do your research, prioritize security, and stay informed to make the most of your crypto journey.